IG2 2008

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Met vincent yesterdayy~~

posted by Nicky on 3:02 PM


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Monday, August 24, 2009

whoever that owes me RM10 please pay me back. as i need to pay the florist.

posted by anastasia on 6:39 PM


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Monday, August 17, 2009

MTV World stage was FUN~!! loll

Anyway, Happy Independence Day to Us Indonesians~!!

Hws lunch in xanga?

posted by Nicky on 9:07 AM


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Friday, August 14, 2009

IG2 2008 tml lunch at sanga restaurant in town at 12pm if ure free. behind swak plaza

posted by anastasia on 10:41 PM


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Hey everyone. Just to let u know. I have sent Barnaby a wreath already. It costs RM150 so I'm trying to get 15 people to chip in to share out the costs as I told the others RM10 each. Currently, I have 8 people including myself(3 have paid) who have agreed to chipping in. Thanks to those and to others who wants to chip in, let me know. If you're overseas sorry u cant chip in but not to worry u have been included.

The wordings are as follows

To: Barnaby Chiew & family

Our deepest condolences

From: IG2 (2008) family -We are here for you no matter how near or far.

Hope u guys are okay with it.

posted by anastasia on 12:55 AM


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Thursday, August 13, 2009

my deepest condolence to Barnaby
be strong..

posted by Monix on 9:09 PM


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Location details are complete now~!

Thanks for all the info~

PS : MTV World Stage in sunway surf beach this saturday~! Whos coming??! Tell me k. So we can meet there~!

posted by Nicky on 1:18 PM


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i met ying today while i was driving past kuching specialist hospital. wow its been ages since i've seen her same goes for all u ppl that didnt come back from aussie n elsewhere. man i miss u all like crazy. sighs. good thing im still in kuching dont feel the nostalgia that badly.

i miss IG2.........

posted by anastasia on 12:26 PM


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Condolence to Barnaby Joel Chiew

My sincerest condolence to Barnaby ... May you be given strength to face this grief....

posted by Fredrik on 12:58 AM


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Hey, Barnaby~!

I heard wad happened.

U & ur family be strong okay. I kinda know what ur going thru, many of us went thru that this year. This year is really the toughest one for most of us.

It really hurts I know, just remember that ur not alone n our loved ones r resting in peace up there.

Deepest condolescence.

posted by Nicky on 12:57 AM


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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

btw. i think we should get a wreath for barnaby's dad. anyone wanna chip in? maybe like a class wreath? let me know.


posted by anastasia on 10:32 PM


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my condolences to you and your family.

if there's anything, the ig2 family is here with u no matter how near or far. do let us know if u need anything.


posted by anastasia on 10:26 PM


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keep your chin up,be strong!!

no matter how far we are,or how distant,remember that WE are always here for u,under one sky,stepping on the same land,always CONNECTED.

we will give u any support u need,anytime u need to talk,even if it's over the phone,on MSN,

deepest deepest condolences,i'm really sorry for you,i have no idea what your going through,so this is the best i can do. BE STRONG!

my heart goes out to your family and you,


posted by Melttyx on 9:50 PM


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deepest condolences to barnaby.

be strong.

we are all here for you.


posted by Anonymous on 9:44 PM


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i got something funny..really funny..for me la..




posted by Anthony Goh on 6:10 AM


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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Barney's birthday and pictures :)

3 days before his birthday, i received a text saying:

'hey.barnaby here.you are invited to my 17th birthday party at Toms,next to Bings at Jalan padungan. Friday 7th august,2009.please bring cash as i'm not rich enough to sponsor you. =) please tell me whether you can make it. Thnks. Hope to see you there!'

I was like wah TOMS.
*empties purse*

maybe i'll just drop by for a drink then ;)
hahaha sry barns,it wasnt tht,just had to bring my friend out tht day.
Anyways,was great to see everyone again :) gotta
meet the new Lodgians XD
and Happy birthday!

and yeah. dont forget out Saturday japanese lunch in town if you can make it!! :)
kat,dan and marc -
you guys promised. lol! ;P

posted by Samantha on 2:32 PM


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Monday, August 10, 2009

University of Western Australia Open Day

On Sunday Michelle and I met up at the UWA Open Day in Perth.

We chatted, walked around, looked at the displays and collected freebies & balloons!!! Which annoyed Michelle after awhile because they kept getting in the way and hitting people (like me) ;) It was kinda funny cause we walked into one of the sessions late and we were walking in with our balloons lol. Sadly, mine's losing its helium now... hope Michelle's balloons can still fly!

At the end of the day I went back to Currie Hall with Michelle (where she stays) to hang out while waiting for my dad to come and pick me. ^^

We're meeting up again at the end of the month at the Murdoch Uni Open Day. Will update again after that. :)

posted by Astrea on 7:42 PM


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To ThE gUy That mAde me ANTHONY ! !

heys...this is shout out to this very very very good friend of mine..

we been through alot man..from grade 4 i think..haha..

disturbing people and the russian guy..haha..it was all good times..

hehe..and the phone recording about kolomee and kue tiau funny @ss...

last year i got the chance to celebrate his birthday with a suprise..

Leonard and me got a few ppl to go to join in this suprise party..=]

it turn out to be a huge success..he got really suprised..

we also had a sleep over..the food was GREAT...

well one year later..today is his birthday again!!!...

Me anthony wishing him a wonderful birthday and a wonderful day!!..

maybe got sleep over again?..lol..(wish i was there man)..

yea..he's a great guy...now he is 17 yrs old..same as me..

The One And Only JIM!!!!!!!!!...

lol..happy birthday tau kei..

hey birthday boy..when i go back u must let me cia u man..>.<..

dont run away ah...need to go to Goh Ah Beng..kekeke..


posted by Anthony Goh on 5:10 PM


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Sunday, August 9, 2009


Juz chatted with Elise a while ago. Updated her uni details already >>

n after tht she said she gtg coz wanna play game. O.O looks like someone is getting addicted to game too lolll

Eliseee, wad game is it???

posted by Nicky on 11:33 PM


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Holiday tomorrow!! So happy coz I can skip my super booooooring english class. =D

posted by _elise_ on 11:23 PM


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Chatted with Adit jz now. He is now in ECU (Edith Cowan University), Perth. Just started 2 weeks ago. Doing environmental science. I've updated his uni detail >>

posted by Nicky on 10:11 PM


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SeLEnA GOMEZ!<3<3<3

okok..on saturday morning about 8:45am Australian time..was on facebook...looking around...then this ELITA...sms me...the livechat with the actress/singer the one and only SELENA GOMEZ!!!!..yea..she said that the livechat is at 9am..so i was like okay..i will watch it then..i wasnt that excited though..the chat room was filled man..

there were almost 10,000 people there..well they all must be like super excited or something..they were also doing like count down..haha..finally she was on...i became like wow..wdf..kinda excited..i like spam her with questions bout whether she is coming to Australia and stuff..lol..but sadly she didnt see any of the messages i wrote..cause too many ppl also spaming at that time..lol..

here are some ss..
Selena and her cousin


Selena showing her I-phone


Yup..manage to take only 4 ss..cause was to excited and was busy spamig questions..=]..

and it will be happening again..and i wont miss it..>.<.


posted by Anthony Goh on 2:27 PM


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Saturday, August 8, 2009


Everyone please let me know if I have got the colleges and places u r right.

if any of u know what

Adit, Joyce, Shirley and Ying are doing please let me know. as for Elise anyone know what's the name of her institution called cause im not quite sure so if u do also let me know.

AND i assume by next year those in Australia or doing foundation will be going to university, please let us know where u go so we can update it on the blog.

AND by september, those of us doing A Levels will be heading off to uni, once again please let us know.

Thanks :)

posted by anastasia on 5:59 PM


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The comments are hidden now

I've finally found the code to hide the comments. So now if u wanna post comment, just click the link Post a comment below. n if u wanna see all the comments, u have to go to the post page. But I cant find the code for the link so for now if u wanna see comment, jz click post comment n all comments will be shown in the box. lol sry for the inconvenience.

O yea, thanks to Anas who have sent me the name of the college/school tht everyone is now. >>

PS : Genting was fun! U guys should hav come! lol

posted by Nicky on 2:51 PM


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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Anastasia is....

officially a P

posted by anastasia on 9:18 PM


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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

sth not interesting^^

jus posting sth for fun here~..school finalli gonna start next week!!!! cant wait~ im so bored at home~ LOL..i failed my econ ppl! and i have to retake econ~ OW GREAT!


posted by ♥chocopie♥ on 8:33 PM


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okay. im just bored. so i shall talk about something.


a girl in A Levels has H1N1.

haha. okayy. now back to being bored again. byeee! :D

posted by anastasia on 8:16 PM


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Happy birthday bnaby!

It's bnaby's bday?? Say happy bday to him k. n ask him to join this blog too! lol n remember to take pic n post them hereee

posted by Nicky on 10:51 AM


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happy birthday barnaby!!!...gg...good luck..
and take care...

cheers man..xD


posted by Anthony Goh on 6:34 AM


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Tuesday, August 4, 2009


i know tht this is OUR blog,so i was thinkin of givin our blog a nicer more attractive skin.

and i came with..(so far)...4 skins.
(copy and paste so tht the blogskin can be previewed).





tht's wat i found so far in 5 minutes,if any of you got anymore other suggestions of blogskins, post it so we can dcide and vote mutually. i don mind if we don change it..

no offense to anyone...

posted by Melttyx on 11:22 PM


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LOL im bored~ GOODNITE PPL^^


posted by ♥chocopie♥ on 9:58 PM


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MY first POST!!!! LOL

FUNNIE PPL~ my first post... and guess wat...its bout bambi^^

WHO'S GOING TO BAMBI"S party this friday??


posted by ♥chocopie♥ on 9:44 PM


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who's going to barnaby's bday?

posted by anastasia on 9:37 PM


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sam -1st post

Just dropping by to say hi and that, NICKY, really do appreciate you starting with this blog and all :)
hope we'll keep updating about our lives here.
and keep this blog running [tho mine's pretty dead]
BUT yeah. we shall make this blog like our IG2 newsletter.
if there's any meet up or anything,post it up here and all!
do hope we can catch up again sometime soon! :)

posted by Samantha on 4:35 PM


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Last 2 Knw?

still up at 2AM,just watching my brother playing WOW. wat isit with guys and computer games?? esp WORLD OF WARCRAFT!
can Anthony or Jim explain?

no harm no foul though,just tht watching him play is one thing but playing the game is a whole other story right?

guys will always be guys,men will always be men,boys will always be boys.

now im into my final month of holidays before i begin my new life, in terms of studies at Jerudong International School it will never be like wat i have experienced in Lodge,aside from the crap facilities tht they have only dcided to upgrade after we left and throw in an extension while they are at it.

i knw it may sound kinda cheezy to the guys reading this,but at times when i listen to music,i pay attention to the lyrics when i get pretty bored, and for this particular song it just always makes me think about our class like last year and prom.

"Say Goodbye"

In the years to come
Will you think about these moments that we shared
In the years to come
Are you gonna think it over
And how we lived each day with no regrets
Nothing lasts forever though we want it to
The road ahead holds different dreams for me and you

Sometimes goodbye though it hurts in your heart is the only way for destiny
Sometimes goodbye though it hurts is the only way now for you and me
Though its the hardest thing to say
I'll miss your love in every way
So say goodbye
But don't you cry
Because a true love never dies

In a year from now
Maybe there'll be things we'll wish we'd never said
In a year from now
Maybe we'll see each other, standing on the same street corner though it rains
Each and every end is always written in the stars
If only i could stop the World i'd make this last

Sometimes goodbye though it hurts in your heart is the only way for destiny
Sometimes goodbye though it hurts is the only way now for you and me
Though it's the hardest thing to say
I'll miss your love in every way
So say goodbye
But don't you cry
Because a true love never dies

And when you need my arms to run into
I'll come for you
Nothing will ever change the way i feel

Sometimes goodbye though it hurts in your heart is the only way for destiny
Sometimes goodbye though it hurts is the only way now for you and me
Though it's the hardest thing to say
I'll miss your love in every way
So say goodbye
Because a true love never dies

by:S Club

i wud name so much more,but then again i wud probably be already labelled as emo and cheezy. so if anyone wants to join me,let me knw so i can post more lyrics to read and cry over.

owh btw am i the last to knw bout this blog? LOL,just found out today,thru anas tagging,which by the way u did a great job to round up everyone! kudos to you!

posted by Melttyx on 2:25 AM


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Monday, August 3, 2009

WHEE we finally have our comment feature. thanks nicky! i hope the tagging in facebook worked cause it took me a longggggggggg time just to tag everyone. as you can see our class is quite VERY big.

to write in there : gimme ur blogger account email, i*nicky* will add u as author, then u can accept by checking ur email. if u dun hav one, go create one first

posted by anastasia on 6:52 PM


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Comment feature is finally up! Thanks a lot to Christy! (the IG2 bfore us). Somehow she suddenly told me bout the link to the code thingy. loll thankss~!

Grats on passing ur driving test anass~!!

n for people who juz knew tht we hav blog, or maybe still dunno =.= Im sorry. I will put it up on facebook personal message n msn again. n please spread it out too k.

Anyone who is not the author yet, tell me ur blogger email so I can add u as author. n anyone who is not linked >> yet, tell me ur blog url so I can link u.

K, u can comment all u wan nowwww~!

posted by Nicky on 4:44 PM


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Sunday, August 2, 2009

since noone is posting, i come faithfully to post something

finally legal

unfortunately, driving the cars i have at home is different coz they r much bigger and my sisters keep screaming and giving comments when i drive and my mum will ask me to do something and my dad will ask me to do just the opposite! its so hard to concentrate when u have 4 voices in your head and trying to keep your eyes on the road as well.

surprisingly, i miss driving the gay manual kancil

okay someone else. time to post. i shall tag samantha aw to post something!

posted by anastasia on 9:01 PM


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Saturday, August 1, 2009

I give up!

People, I have no idea about the code for post comment. =.='

If u know, tell me k.

Anyway, Im going Genting next fridayy~! Anyone wanna come along??

posted by Nicky on 11:56 AM


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